Calling It Out With Kindness

I guess before I get to know you, it’s only fair you get to know about me!


why did i choose the counselor life?

Well maybe it chose me…

Here’s the thing…I’m nosey and enthusiastic. I decided to use my superpowers for good and help people. In a previous life, I wanted to be a radio DJ because I believed they connected with the community. Well, that wasn’t the case…and I wanted to make more of an impact by working one-on-one. Being a counselor is a job I do not take lightly, but try to bring some humor to it.



what do you like to work with?

Depression and all the things with it.

I’m really into mood disorders (fancy term for things like depression, anxiety, etc) and personality disorders (basically when it’s a bit more than mood—but a general lifeview issue). Depression is my favorite because it’s the black sheep of mood disorders. Depression is often misunderstood and I like to help people reevaluate their relationship with the symptoms. I also enjoy working with eating disorders, social anxiety, and grief!


what’s your therapy style?

I get it, you want to know what you’re getting into…

Let’s just say I’m a “woo girl” gone mild. I bridge my life experience with clinical experience, basically we learn how to human together. I am directive but will take the time to earn the right to be on your turf. I assume by you walking in the door you’re going to want my opinion. I am honest, but kind. I am patient, but will not tolerate stagnation. I give a crap and hope that it shows in my work as a therapist. Sessions will have an element of structure depending on approach/modality we are using. I’m a big believer in not only talking it out, but coming up with an action plan to do your way out. Throughout sessions, I will ask for feedback to make sure we are going in the direction that YOU want. I believe in upholding evidence-based practices in the context of your life.


brief section of #humblebragging

Specialist by choice…

  • RO-DBT Specialist

    • Attended Columbus 10- Day Intensive: 2016

    • Attended Chicago 10-Day Intensive: 2018

      • Both Intensives were led by the treatment founder, Dr. Tom Lynch and Senior Clinician Team

    • Established first RO-DBT Program in Nashville

    • Participated in the RODBT Scholars program in 2020



Education and credentials please!

Since you asked nicely…

  • BS Electronic Media Management: MTSU ‘08

  • MA Counseling: Trevecca Nazarene University ‘14

  • Internship: Father Ryan HS Personal Counseling Department

  • Previously worked as a DBT/RO-DBT Therapist at a group practice in Nashville

  • TN License #3947 (Licensed in 2017)

  • Consultant and Convo Speaker for Belmont University Counseling Center



Interests outside of therapy?

Hobbies? Why yes I have hobbies.

I will proudly claim my knowledge of BravoTV as a hobby. Judge if you will, but I’m Team You-Do-You and that’s how I do me. My husband and I have season tickets to Nashville Soccer Club and try to make all the games. Barre3 is the only workout that keeps my attention so that’s where I frequent. You might catch me at a show (maybe even on a school night!) or shopping at Target, just depends on the day.